I was born in Mariupol, where I graduated from art school. I received a technical education and master’s degree at the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (cur. the National Technical University of Ukraine), then worked as an interior designer. Now I live in Cherkasy, Ukraine.

The main topic that excites me today is the relationship of a person with himself and the environment.
I create mainly abstract landscapes. The source is my own travel experience, hundreds of kilometers of hiking trips overcoming myself. I try to express the energy of these places, because in my thoughts I am there, in my happy places.

For me, mountains are a symbol of presence and peace, that is always lacking in an eternally hurrying, dynamic, modern person. Being in such places, even if mentally, or meditating, we deeply feel our relationships with nature.

Striving that the harmonious feeling of a world filled with such beauty and joy is conveyed to a viewer of my art. Love and admiration change our attitude to nature from “consuming” to “gentle”.

My artworks focus on color, most often, the creation of a new picture begins with the color mood, with colors, then the plot comes in visualization.

Mostly I work with acrylics on canvas, I use mixed techniques, adding texture using various materials – pieces of fabric, threads, texture pastes.